A HAMPSHIRE village house can be redesigned after a successful planning appeal.

The plans, for an additional storey, new balconies and other alterations at Doctors Hill in Sherfield English, were initially refused by Test Valley Borough Council. 

It was refused by planning officers, using delegated powers, on Thursday, March 2. 

The officers' report said: “The design, bulk, scale and mass of the proposals are considered to introduce a visually intrusive feature that does not reflect or enhance the character and appearance of the area. The additional storey and fenestration changes would represent poor design which would be detrimental to the form and character of the area and adversely impacting the street scene.”

The scheme, submitted by Ian Campbell, was sent to appeal with the outcome published on Thursday, October 26. 

Hampshire Chronicle: Plans for Doctors Hill in Sherfield English

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In the decision, planning inspector G Roberts said: “I accept that there would be a material change to the scale and design of the host property when viewed from Doctors Hill, but, even so, all the proposed changes would refresh and modernise the appearance of the whole property, including its rear elevation even though this is hidden from public viewpoints. 

“The result would be a significant improvement on the existing host property, whose design is not of any merit or quality. Also, a proposal that would sit comfortably on the appeal site and be compatible with its rural surroundings.

Hampshire Chronicle: Plans for Doctors Hill in Sherfield English

“For the above reasons, I disagree with the council and consider that the new additional storey would not be visually intrusive or harmful to the character and appearance of the area. On the contrary, the additional storey combined with the complete remodelling of the host property would represent an innovative and high quality design that would accord with the guidance within the VDS.

“For the reasons given above and having taken all the matters raised into account, I conclude that the appeal should be allowed.”

An application for costs from the developer was refused by the planning inspector. 

Andrew Burgess, managing director of developer Andrew Burgess Planning, said: “This appeal proposal has ticked all the boxes and the planning inspector accepted all of our arguments. It has been a pleasure to work with clients with the desire to bring forward a high quality and sustainable proposal. It is particularly satisfying to be able to ensure the family can live in their dream home and build their desired design of family house.”