There is no doubt in my mind at this moment that the world is in trouble but coming closer to home here in Winchester there is so much good being done by so many volunteers. 

I happened to observe certain activities going on in the Weeke Community Centre club and it occurred to me that not only were they doing communal work, which by the way means people, humans, interacting with each other and providing for each other. I observed a funeral which was one of the happiest things I've ever seen and also a children's tea party.  You can tell the spectrum went from the very young to the elderly. 

Then a social evening with all the wonderful Nepalese enjoying a festive time. I have never seen such beautiful, wonderful colourings, and happy people. Young girls, young men all dressed in the most beautiful sparkling clothes. It was beautiful. 

Do you know what really magnified this particular evening was the national anthem, our national anthem was played. It wasn't the end of the evening, it wasn't the beginning of the evening, it was amongst the festivities. They all sang as one and stood up. 

For me, it struck a chord. I couldn't have been more proud. It gladdens the heart to see what people think of our country. 

So good news, volunteers. This particular social club actually can't keep up with all the people that want to hire their facilities and I for one enjoy what they have on offer which is everything and for all ages. 

I just thought some good news for your readers would be nice because 9 out of 10 people are really good and kind-hearted. So it's up to us isn't it to keep that good work going and from little acorns to great oaks grow.

Eileen Berry,

Priors Dean Road,



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