A man was arrested this weekend as part of Winchester city officers night time economy patrols after it was reported that a number of items had been stolen from a pub.

Police were called just after 1.30am on Sunday, October 22, to reports of a man stealing coats and a handbag from O’Neill's in High Street.

READ MORE: CCTV image released after spate of thefts from Winchester vehicles

A 41-year-old man from Winchester was subsequently arrested on suspicion of theft. He has been released on police bail as enquiries continue.

Inspector Matt Kirby said: “As part of our district priorities, officers will be putting significant effort into patrolling the city and targeting key night-time economy areas in the run up to Christmas.

“These patrols also support our wider commitment to tackling anti-social behaviour and retail crime in the city.

“This is to allow us to ensure that local residents, and those visiting Winchester, can enjoy themselves in a safe environment, and any offences are dealt with - whether that is through proactive arrests, via dispersal orders or by progressing them through the criminal justice system.”