May I congratulate those responsible for organising the Kings Walk Festival last Saturday.

I came upon it quite by chance, walking through Winchester. It was a joyous, family-orientated, and inspiring experience, with live jazz music (a truly terrific jazz singer). The central courtyard is a great place to visit, and I earnestly hope that the original intention of the City Council to demolish the building is over-turned.

Peter Liddiard,

Parchment Street,


WHAT a damp squib the Kings Walk Festival was (Saturday September 30, 10am to 5pm). We were promised the first 250 visitors would get a free tote bag. There were no tote bags. We were promised bands. There were no bands. I arrived just after 10.30am and half the shops were closed, and not much happening in the Nutshell building.

Not only that Kings Walk was supposed to be pulled down, with the few remaining shops being given notice. So what happened? Nothing has been said of the Friarsgate open space for two years. Have the city council dropped it? We're never told anything.

It's another case of a political organization that promises lots but delivers nothing.

Rupert Marks,

Nightingale Close,


Letter editor's note: The Chronicle reported that the demolition of the Friarsgate medical centre has started (Chronicle, September 14).