A man from a village near Alresford who defied court orders for a second time has been given a last chance.

George Peter William Butler, 23, was spared jail partly because of his father's ill-health, a court heard.

Butler, of Church Lane, Bramdean, admitted failing to comply with a court order made in July 2022 by failing to attend unpaid work on May 14.

He was convicted in 2022 of threatening to reveal private sexual photos of a woman, and of failing to comply with a court order in February.

The court record stated: "The Court takes the unusual step of allowing the Order to continue, despite this being a second breach.

"The Court has taken into account the mitigation presented relating to the defendant's father's ill health and Mr Butler's involvement in supporting his father and family both practically and financially.

"Mr Butler has persuaded the Court today that he will comply with his Order going forward, which is extended to allow time for completion of unpaid work. However, it has been made clear to Mr Butler that should he continue to disengage from unpaid work he will be facing revocation and resentence to custody as his family circumstances do not prevent completion of unpaid work."

The order was extended to a new end date of August 29 2024.

Butler was also fined £623 with £65 costs.