MICHELDEVER Primary PTA are holding a quiz night on Friday, October 20.

The quiz will be at 7.30pm at the Warren Centre at Micheldever Station. Tickets cost £10 per person; a cash bar, nibbles and soft drinks will be available with prizes to be won. Tickets can be purchased online. Anyone with questions should email micheldever-pfa@live.co.uk.

SOUTH Wonston Sustainability has issued a questionnaire that it is asking residents to complete. Information gathered will be used to tailor events and activities to the needs of the people who live in the parish. It is expected to be delivered to residents by Sunday, October 1.

HOLY Trinity Pop-Up Café is returning to the Victoria Hall, Sutton Scotney to raise money for South Wonston Baby and Toddler Group.

The café is on Wednesday, October 4 and will last from 9.30am until 12noon. Homemade cakes and cookies will be available, alongside tea and coffee.

SOUTH Wonston Sustainability is hosting a free Green Open Driveway event on Sunday, September 24. Attendees can see a solar panel system in action and talk to the owner to find out how it was installed and how it has helped reduce their energy costs. There will also be information on how to reduce your home’s energy costs. A free space at the event can be booked online.

THE Dever Art Exhibition will be taking over Sutton Scotney Village Hall from Friday, October 13 to Sunday, October 15.

Visitors will be able to see what the artists have been up to this year and meet them in person. Refreshments will be available as well as free parking.

RESIDENTS are being urged to save the date for the Micheldever Safari Supper on Saturday, October 7. The event costs £25 per person for those hosting a course at their home and £30 for others. Proceeds will go towards St Mary’s Church Fabric Fund.

To book go to micheldevervillages.org/event-details/safari-supper-2023.

MICHELDEVER Parish Council is looking for a new councillor. If written requests from 10 or more electors are made by Thursday, September 21 then a by-election will be held. If not, the vacancy will be filled by co-option at the next meeting on Wednesday, October 4 at East Stratton Village Hall.

Written requests should be posted to The Returning Officer at Winchester City Council. For more information contact the clerk Jocelyn Jenkins at micheldeverpc@hotmail.co.uk.

SOUTH Wonston Parish Council is calling on residents to donate wooden pallets to be burnt on this year’s fireworks night on Saturday, November 4.

The council is asking solely for pallets, furniture and fencing will not be accepted, and is asking residents to let them know if they have any pallets they can give so they can make a note of how many are available. They will not be required until a few days before the fireworks display.