Below are the latest planning applications submitted to Winchester City Council.

Bishop's Waltham
23/01414/HOU, Craig Tickner, remove Leyland cypress hedge at 2.5 meters high and replace with 2m fence, 15 Princes Close.
23/01867/FUL, Matthew Jeal, amendments to approved plans, new plan numbers to replace approved plans, Street Record, Station Road.
23/01932/LIS, Mr and Mrs Story, proposed replacement front timber posts and capping with metal posts and stone cappings. To include the increase in the height of the boundary wall, North House, St Peters Street.
23/02146/TPO, Keith Bartlett, tree works, 29 Morley Drive.

23/01909/FUL, Wayne Saunders, construction of three dwellings and two holiday lets: conversion of barn from two residential units into a single dwelling; package treatment plant; three outbuildings, land at The Yard, Trampers Lane.

Compton and Shawford
23/02176/TPC, Dr Kathryn Morris, tree works, Drove Cottage, Carmans Lane.

23/02157/TPC, Mr Anderson, tree works, Crawley Pond, Peach Hill Lane.

23/01775/FUL, Mark James, new vehicular access to paddock, land at Wangfield Lane and Vicarage Lane.
23/01822/FUL, Mr Carne, erection of two bedroom dwelling, parking, landscaping and associated works following demolition and site clearance, land to the rear of Uplands Cottage, Botley Road.
23/02098/FUL, applicant not named, erection of seven affordable homes with private amenity space, off-road parking and associated works, land opposite Lockhams Hill, Lockhams Road.

23/01908/OUT, Mr and Mrs Hopkins, outline application for the phased development of up to six self-build and custom housebuilding plots with all matters reserved except for access, land south of School Lane.

Kings Worthy
23/02138/TPC, Charlotte Smith, tree works, St Marys Church Rooms, London Road.
23/02139/TPC, Anthony Green, tree works, Tudor Cottage, 22 Church Lane.
23/02161/TPC, Charlotte Smith, tree works, St Marys Church, London Road.

Littleton and Harestock
23/01939/HOU, Ganga Lama, single storey rear extension and single storey extension at first floor level. Alterations to existing including new windows and doors in the existing elevations, 1A Amport Close.

23/01834/FUL, Colin Elliott, erection of stable block (comprising two stables, tack room and feed store) for noncommercial use, the change of use of land from agriculture to keeping of horses and the re-positioning of the vehicular access to the site, land opposite Hampshire House, Gravel Hill.
23/01991/HOU, Mr and Mrs Warwick, single storey extension to main house and erection of detached garage with studio above (resubmission of application 23/01073/HOU), Mariners Cottage, Turkey Island.
23/02033/LDC, Bailey Russell, open storage of equipment, machinery, vehicles, packaging and materials across the site, Storage Yard, Oak Farm, Winchester Road.

23/02095/HOU and 23/02097/LIS, Matthew Jago, works to the existing kitchen western wing to improve the relationship of the western wing with the main wing, gardens and forecourt. Introduction of renewable energy source. Improvement of the approach to the house by reducing the area of gravelled surface, reintroduction of the historic turning circle and landscaping, Sparsholt Manor, Woodman Lane.

23/01474/FUL, applicant not named, installation of two external air conditioning units, Mildmay Veterinary Centre, Easton Lane.
23/01525/HOU, Mr and Mrs Simpson, side and rear two storey extension. Demolition of existing detached garage, 2 Airlie Corner.
23/01813/HOU and 23/01814/LIS, Mika-John Southworth, re-submission for a conversion of existing flats back to single dwelling, internal alterations including repositioning of existing openings. Addition of new rear balcony, 16A St Peter Street. 
23/01898/HOU, Aaran Dosanjh, remodelling and extension of an existing detached property to provide an additional storey and new rear extension to replace the existing conservatory. Remodelling to provide a new facade finish and windows, 60 Cheriton Road.
23/02001/FUL, Jamie Pearson, demolition of redundant care home and associated outbuildings, redevelopment of the site to provide 36 apartments including 40 per cent affordable housing and associated 
alterations to site access, sub-station, hard and soft landscaping, car parking, cycle store, plant room, refuse and recycling store, drainage, boundary treatments and other associated works, Bereweeke Court Nursing Home, Bereweeke Road. 
23/02131/LDP, Mr and Ms Lloyd and Rees, loft conversion with rear full width dormer, insertion of roof-lights to front roof slope and changes to existing windows, 16 West End Close.
23/02155/TPO, Katherine Wood, tree works, Asquith House, 4 Westminster Gate.
23/02178/TPC, Maurice James, tree works, Holm Lodge, 22 St James Lane.
23/02179/TPC, Rebecca Horne, tree works, 3 Clifton Terrace.
23/02181/TPC, Mr Wallbridge, tree works, Queens Lodge, Canon Street.
23/02182/TPC, Mrs Mauleverer, tree works, 19 Quarry Road.
23/02183/TPO, Proxim, tree works, Coventry Court, Northlands Drive.

23/02162/TPC, Lane, tree works, Applegarth, Wonston Road.