Winchester civic chiefs are preparing for more work on three of the city's historic monuments.

It includes another attempt at pigeon-proofing the medieval gateway to the last known resting place of King Alfred the Great.

The city council has plans for Hyde Abbey Gateway as well as the Buttercross and St Maurice's Tower.

The town forum heard from Cllr John Tippett-Cooper, the chairman of its informal heritage group.

READ MORE HERE: Residents anger at failure to tackle the pigeons at Hyde Abbey

Cllr Tippett-Cooper said the Buttercross needs cleaning and also, like the gateway, pigeon-proofing.

At Hyde Abbey gateway the pigeons are again becoming a problem. Cllr Tippett-Cooper said: "A lot of work was done to get a deterrent installed. With buildings such as this they work for a while and then they don't work so well. The pigeons are back and the deterrent hasn't been successful."

He said the contractor was returning to have another go at no extra charge to the council. Netting would be installed at roof truss level, he said.

Previously, as reported last year, the pigeons have been able to sit at the top of the stone wall.

Flood lights are to be installed and repairs carried out as well as new tarmac and bollards laid. New information boards will tell the history of the gateway.

Permission for work on the Buttercross and gatewaywill need approval from Historic England. Work on both could start next spring.

St Maurice's Tower, next to the Covert, needs work following an inspection by a structural engineer. A small piece of masonry has fallen from the roof.

The tower is the last remnant of St Maurice's church which was demolished to make way for the Debenhams store in the 1950s.