Staff, residents, relatives and the local community came together at Shawford Springs to enjoy a Summer Fete in the home’s grounds.

Shawford Springs hosted a variety of activities throughout the day including a mini dog show with prizes awarded for “Best Bark”, “Waggiest Tail” and “Prettiest Pooch.” There was also an hour of live music and a body shop consultant was on hand to provide advice on beauty products, as well as a raffle with multiple prizes.

Visitors on Saturday, August 19, enjoyed plenty of refreshments, including traditional Pimms and freshly baked cup-cakes and tray bakes prepared by the chef and his team, who were hard at work making sure that a great time was had by all.

Julie House, general manager, said: “Staff at Shawford Springs are dedicated to making sure that the home is a hub of the local community, and this event, along with all their hard work, has definitely paid off. It was a resounding success.”