Residents from Shawford Springs care home in Compton were plain sailing with a recent cruise organised by the team at the home. 

The cruise on The Alison MacGregor operated by The Solent Dolphin charity set out from Hythe Marina out onto Southampton waters for a relaxing and scenic two-hour cruise. 

Hampshire Chronicle: Shawford Springs residents at Hythe Marina

The sun shone and residents were lucky enough to spot four black swans.

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Hampshire Chronicle: Shawford Springs residents at Hythe Marina

Julie House, general manager of Shawford Springs, said: “Our residents had a whale of a time on the cruise. Adventures that take place outside of the home are a regular event for the residents, and we always ask for ideas on where they would best like to go. The day was a lot of fun, residents were able to enjoy a beautiful day on Southampton Water which was very therapeutic, the sun even made an appearance."

Barry, a resident at Shawford Springs, said: “I’ve had such a lovely day on the water, sailing gives you such a feeling of freedom and it was great to see the sun.”