Plans to demolish a conservatory and build a new extension on a house near a Hampshire village have been permitted, despite local concern.

Mrs Hibbs will be able to proceed with the work, which includes an extension of a garage, at 2 Woodland Drove, Twyford Moors.

Winchester City Council's planning committee approved the scheme at its meeting on Wednesday July 19. 

The application had three objections from the public.

Richard Pennell, of Woodland Drove, said: “This has been opposed by all adjacent properties. It's for the benefit of one and the detriment of the majority. Increased roof height will cause issues of light deprivation, overshadowing and overbearing.”

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Cllr Sue Cook, who represents the Colden Common and Twyford ward on the city council, called the application in. She said: “This will be overbearing and detrimental to the amenity of the neighbouring properties. It was originally built as a starter house.

“It will impact value of the surrounding properties. You have a responsibility to enhance the environment for the majority. This application will not do that, please refuse it.”

Supporter Andy Partridge, of Southern Planning Practice, said: “This proposal is for adaptive living. The applicant wants all the key living accommodation on the ground floor. It will replace the conservatory with a bedroom. It's considered that neighbouring properties will not be significantly impacted.”

In the planning officer's report, it said: “The development would not result in a detrimental impact on the amenities of neighbouring properties in terms of loss of privacy, light or overbearing impacts. The development is not considered to result in an unacceptable impact on the dark night skies of the South Downs National Park. For the reasons outlined above, the application is therefore recommended for approval.”

Cllr Jane Rutter, committee chairman, said: “I have listened to the concerns, but I think it's a modest extension. Overlooking is dealt with by the boundary treatment and obscured glass. I can't see any planning reasons to refuse this.”

The proposal was permitted unanimously.