Planners have permitted nine new homes in a Winchester suburb on the site of one of the street's first houses.

Applicant Simon Machola will now be able to proceed with the scheme, which will involve demolishing Brae House, at 31 Chilbolton Avenue.

Winchester City Council's planning committee unanimously approved the plan, at its meeting on Wednesday July 19.

The application attracted 11 objections and one comment in support.

Development on Chilbolton Avenue has been controversial with the detached properties in large gardens often being redeveloped for flats or multi-house schemes, changing the character of the streetscape.

The City of Winchester Trust objected: “The trust regrets the loss of one of the remaining original houses on Chilbolton Avenue. Therefore the trust objects to this application.”

Hampshire Chronicle: Nine houses at Chilbolton Avenue

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The objectors cited reasons such as drainage, house sizes, density, road safety, impact on wildlife and impact on neighbouring properties. 

Mr Machola, director at developer Shorewood Homes, urged the committee to approve the scheme. He said: “These are high-quality, energy-efficient homes. We want to build attractive and traditionally-designed homes that will stand the test of time. 

“It's in a sustainable location with good access to local facilities. This application is worthy of your support.”

In the planning officer's report, it said: “The applicant has worked with officers and amended plans accordingly. The proposal for nine dwellings in this location is acceptable and not out of character to the spatial characteristics of the surrounding area. The proposal will be visible from the neighbouring properties but will not have an unacceptable adverse impact on residential amenity. 

“Overall the scheme is well designed and will create a distinctive addition to the local area. Other planning considerations, such as landscape, ecology drainage, water, construction and waste management have been addressed appropriately. The application is therefore considered acceptable.”

Cllr Frank Pearson said: “I have no issues with this. The developer has worked well with our officers.”

Cllr Brian Laming said: “There is little doubt that we have to approve this, although the whole neighbourhood of Chilbolton Avenue has changed dramatically over the last few years and I'm very sorry to see that.”

The committee approved the scheme unanimously.