A PERSISTENT shoplifter has had a jail sentence extended.

Kell Andrews, 43, of Hyde Gate, Hyde, Winchester, is currently serving time for previous thefts.

He had denied stealing a Christmas gift set of make-up, valued at £261, from Boots on Winchester High Street on November 17 last year, a court heard.

But he changed his plea on the day of the trial at Basingstoke Magistrates Court on Monday July 3.

READ MORE HERE: Serial offender banned from Winchester High Street

The magistrates jailed him for 18 days to be served consecutively on the current sentence imposed on June 2 for shoplifting.

Andrews was also ordered to pay £261 compensation.

The bench said a custodial sentence was justified because of Andrews's "record and antecedents".

At the June 2 sentencing the police obtained a criminal behaviour order which bans Andrews from Winchester High Street and Sainsbury's at Badger Farm.