A DRUG driver caught on the outskirts of Winchester has been disqualified from the road for three years.

Laszlo Komivies, 36, was stopped by officers at the Bushfield Roundabout on February 19, a court heard.

Komivies, of Hillcrest Drive, Chandler's Ford, was driving a 08-reg vehicle when intercepted. He was tested and returned a reading for cocaine breakdown product BZE of 206 mg when the legal limit is 50, making him four times the legal limit.

He admitted the charge.

District Judge Stephen Apted at Basingstoke Magistrates Court imposed a three-year ban obligatory for the offence as well as a £610 fine, a victim surcharge of £244 and £85 costs. The penalties of £939 must be paid by June 6, the judge ordered.