A ROMSEY woman has remembered her career after being in hairdressing for 50 years.

April 22 will mark the 50th year that Rachel Cardy has been in the industry.

The 66-year-old, who currently operates from her home in Church Street, has reflected on how hairdressing has changed over the years.

Rachel said: “I have been extremely lucky to have enjoyed a wonderful career, starting my apprenticeship at Masquerade in Romsey, owned by Michael and Betty Purton. It was the first salon outside of London to do blow dries. I loved my time there with other passionate hairdressers. It was very hard work for the £4 per week I earned. The manager made £28 per week.

Hampshire Chronicle:

“That was my aim, to become a manager and eventually a salon owner. I completed my City & Guilds and went on to complete another two years, improving with each year.

“I then decided that I needed to move on to learn as much as possible. I went to the Steiner Salon in Romsey. I stayed there for six months before being offered a job at Image in Romsey.

“This was a good move for me as I then discovered my passion for retail, hair loss and wigs and I am still friends with the team I worked with.

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“After five years I was ready to take the biggest step in my career.

“At 22 years of age I opened Backstage salon in Winchester, with my friend Chris Brown. We were truly flying. It was amazing yet, very hard work, but looking back, it was brilliant. I can’t believe that I had the confidence to open a salon, so young. We very quickly had five staff and then opened another salon in Salisbury.

Hampshire Chronicle:

“I started doing wigs and hair loss over 40 years ago. You could always find me at the Romsey Library reading up about hair loss and when Jane Scarth House opened, it was the perfect place for me to be involved with.

“Over the years I have raised thousands for Jane Scarth House and during lockdown I was able to donate extra money to help with their running costs, by walking 2,000 miles during the lockdown period, raising a further £1,500 for this good cause.

“Four years ago I set up Staying Strong, a post cancer fundraising group, whereby I invite experts in their field to talk to my post cancer guests.

Hampshire Chronicle:

“After lockdown, I decided to work from home, to offer a more bespoke service to my clients and trebled my business helping many more clients with hair loss issues and currently working with Rae Palmer, WELOVE collaboration team and The Secret Salon Club who support Home Salons. When anyone asks me when am I going to retire, that’s a no, I love what I do.”

Rachel's next Staying Strong meeting will be held in the Bradbeers restaurant on June 9, from 6pm-8pm. The guest speaker is Dr Nick Brook who will give a talk on menopause. Also, Rachel will be talking about hair loss and menopause.

For more about Rachel, visit: rachelcardy.co.uk.