A MUSICIAN walking 100 miles in memory of his teacher will finish with a group singalong in the centre of Winchester.

On Friday, April 14 Alex Ling, 28, will complete a six-day walk from Eastbourne to Winchester.

Alex’s music teacher at Alton College, Martin Read died 10 years ago aged 53. The six-day walk is raising money for the charity founded in his honour.

The South Downs hike will culminate at the Buttercross in Winchester city centre, where people can gather from around 5pm to hear Martin’s song, written by poet Wendy Cope.

Hampshire Chronicle:

Alex, who grew up in Alton and now lives in London, said: "Martin's limitless enthusiasm and inspirational teaching motivated me and many others to pursue a life and career in music. Whether it be in the concert hall, the theatre, in places of worship, or in film and television, we all need music and we need composers to write it.

"I started walking long-distance routes in April 2021 when I walked the Pilgrim’s Way from Otford to Canterbury. Since then, I have hiked through mist and fog across the Yorkshire Dales, slept under the stars in the Lake District and soaked my boots along Suffolk’s coastline. The South Downs Way will be the longest hike I have undertaken so far."

Anyone wanting to join the musician and charity trustee in his final five miles can do so from Cheesefoot Head car park on Friday, April 14 around 3pm.

READ MORE: Women to walk 100 miles carrying a rowing boat from Winchester

Hampshire Chronicle:

All funds for ‘100 miles for Martin’ will go to the Martin Read Foundation (MRF) which supports young and aspiring composers.

Founder and trustee of the Martin Read Foundation, Beccy Read, said: “It’s all about energy. MRF was founded to continue Martin’s immense energy and passion for teaching composition to young musicians, Alex is giving energy to his 100 Miles for Martin, and we call on locals to join us on the steps of the Buttercross, to give energy to Martin’s catchy folksong, in celebration.”

Hampshire Chronicle:

Martin was a highly acclaimed music teacher in Hampshire and a published composer. He was appointed millennium composer by Hampshire Music Service and commissioned to write 14 pieces based on historical aspects or events around the county, for local children and young people with professional musicians.

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His piece for Winchester, On the Steps of the Buttercross was written for the Hampshire Youth Choir, a professional pianist and members of the Hampshire Youth Jazz Orchestra.

The Winchester resident taught all his adult life in Alton. Following his sudden death the Martin Read Foundation aims to continue his legacy of inspiring Hampshire young people to become musicians, composers and teachers.

Participants joining in the final five miles are advised to wear walking shoes or boots and bring water, with the aim of leaving the car park soon after 3pm.

The Crowdfunder has already reached the £1,000 target. For more information or to donate go to crowdfunder.co.uk/p/martin-read-foundation-100miles.