ALADDIN by The Somborne Players - "Hilarious!"

You are always guaranteed a good night out when you turn up to watch a Somborne Players panto and Aladdin was no exception.

Throughout the panto, the story relates to the granting of wishes via lamp rubbing and an evil uncle whose intent is to take over the world. The members of the company performed their parts with gusto, charm, hilarity and some very funny unintentional ad-libs. Boos and hisses were in abundance.

Hampshire Chronicle:

Each and every single member of the cast performed their parts well, and special mention should be made to David Welton (Widow Twankey) – who was the most glamorous Dame I’ve ever seen, Peter Grace (Officer Hu), Lesley Everard-Evans (Officer Mi) – both of whom were absolutely hilarious with some wonderful verbal exchanges and, again, Sam Judges (Wishee Washee) whose stage presence and versatility shines so bright.

Hampshire Chronicle:

The panto was directed by Jonathan Crump who did an excellent job.

A truly friendly village with a big heart and great connections within who always produce comedy to a high degree.

If you ever get the opportunity – go and watch them – you won’t be disappointed!

Well done all, I will return!

Reviewed by Barbara Hancox for Encore Reviews.