The city council has been allocated additional funding to help Ukrainian refugees settle across the district. 

Winchester City Council's cabinet approved the money for the next stage of the Ukrainian resettlement and integration programme. 

The spending plan is for the period 2023 to 2025. 

Many Ukrainians fled the country due to the Russian invasion at the start of 2022. Many refugees moved in with host families, but now they are looking to settle more permanently.

Speaking a the cabinet meeting on January 25, Cllr Paula Ferguson said: “More than 450 Ukrainian guests have settled here since February 2022. Many have settled across the district. However, many had hoped to return to Ukraine, but this has not been possible. 

“So now they are looking to settle here for the long term. The council has been proactive so that guests can access support. There have been support hubs at the Guildhall and support has been available across the district.”

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Cllr Caroline Horrill, leader of the Conservative group at the city council, was full of praise for the work so far.

Cllr Horrill said: “I congratulate you on the work done on the resettlement of Ukrainian families over the last few months. But we're at a new phase of the programme now. I host a Ukrainian and council officers have gone above and beyond the call of duty.”

City council leader Martin Tod said: “The council officer's team has done so much work for this. The personal commitment people have made has made a real difference, we are very grateful.”