A FREE drop-in event for those interested in finding out more about adoption will be coming to Hampshire.

The event is being held by Adopt South, the Regional Adoption Agency for the Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton local authorities.

Taking place on Saturday, January 14 from 10am to 2pm at the Holiday Inn in Eastleigh, the event will be an opportunity for anyone considering adoption to hear about the process and put their questions to the agency’s recruitment team, as well as Adopt South mentors who are also parents of adopted children themselves.

Service manager for Adopt South’s recruitment team Anne Cooper said: “People come to us from all different backgrounds and home lives.

“Adoption is inclusive: you can be single or part of a couple, married or cohabiting; you can live in a flat or in a house.

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“We welcome people from all walks of life, including the LGBT+ community and people of faith.

“Everyone’s family life is different but what we do know is that adopted children really benefit from a strong family network, where they feel secure, listened to and loved.”

Since launching in 2019, Adopt South has placed more than 400 children in Hampshire with adoptive families.

However, the agency always needs more people to come forward – especially for siblings, older children, children of different ethnicities, and children with additional needs.

The agency regularly runs face-to-face and digital events which provide an opportunity for those interested in adoption to learn more.

Visitors to the upcoming event on January 14 will be able to access a range of information and speak to members of the team in a private space.

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Anne added: “There is no obligation to commit to anything at our drop-in event.

“Becoming a parent is one of life’s biggest decisions, so we want people to take all the time they need to understand modern adoption and the responsibilities of a lifelong commitment to a child.”

The event is free to attend and there is no requirement to book.

Free car parking and refreshments will also be available to attendees.

For more information, visit the Adopt South website: hants.gov.uk/socialcareandhealth/adoptsouth.