A WANDERING walrus is making his third visit to Dieppe following a brief stop-over in the Solent earlier this month.

A stream of locals flocked to see the bulky creature - nicknamed Thor - after he was seen snoozing on the beach near Calshot Activities Centre on December 11.

Thor was first spotted by Darren Mckell and his family, from Holbury, who were out fishing in the early hours.

They contacted members of British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDLMR), who cordoned off part of the beach to prevent spectators from disturbing the large mammal.

Darren, 49, said: “It was unbelievable and such a shock. I thought it was a seal at first but as I got closer I saw it was huge and it was a walrus.

“It was absolutely amazing to see something like that, especially in these waters. I hadn’t realised how rare it was to see a walrus here.”

People were advised to keep a safe distance from the walrus as the creatures are protected under UK law.

Thor was seen in the Netherlands at the start of November and travelled along the coast of France before heading to Calshot.

He left a few hours later and is now back in France after making another voyage across the Channel.

A local website reporting the latest developments says: "You have to believe that Dieppe is his favorite destination.

"Thor is back for the third time. Tourists will soon know it inside out.

"Thor, seen in the city of Ango during the herring fair on November 18 and 19, then on December 2, made his return on Thursday, December 15.

"While he had also been seen in Brittany, the Netherlands and more recently in England, we have to believe that our friend from Greenland has chosen Dieppe as his favorite destination.

"According to the manager of the bar Better, the walrus had been there since 6am.

"Around 12 pm he was still lounging on the Quai de la Marne. More and more spectators came to meet him."

Dieppe is a seaport in the Normandy region of northern France. Famous for its scallops, it also boasts a beach and a 15th-century castle.