A COMMITTEE has agreed to protect two trees, despite concerns that they could damage nearby properties.

A tree protection order (TPO) was confirmed for a beech and wild cherry tree, in Shoe Lane, Upham.

Winchester City Council's planning committee heard from residents, at their meeting on October 19, concerning potential damage they could cause to the surrounding area.

Gillian Pembrooke said: “We object because we are anxious to reduce the beech tree in size. It's very tall and in urgent need of attention. It takes the full force of high winds in all directions. If the tree fell over, it could endanger neighbouring properties. 

“If the TPO is permitted, the council should take all responsibility for the damage caused by the tree.”

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The committee heard that two objecting comments had been submitted to them.

They said: “Trees are tall and in urgent need of reduction. Concerns that trees are exposed to high winds as they are at the top of a hill.

“Subject trees could cause severe harm should either the trees or any branch fall on to the playing area or properties nearby.”

Despite the concerns, the committee's members felt that it was important to protect both trees.

Cllr Michael Read said: “Beech trees rarely fall due to their rooting system. But we need to make sure it doesn't damage property.”

Cllr Frank Pearson said: “Trees are incredible habitats for all sorts of creatures. I support the confirmation of the TPO.”

Cllr Therese Evans, the committee's chairman, said: “They need to be reduced appropriately. We don't want to reduce the beauty of them.”

The committee unanimously agreed to keep the TPO in place.