CIVIC chiefs are disagreeing over who is responsible for the proposed diversion of Andover Road through the new Kings Barton estate.

Hampshire County Council says it is a matter for Winchester City Council as the planning authority, while the city says it is a county matter as it is the highways authority.

The current Andover Road will be closed to through traffic and the main route diverted along Winchester Avenue once Kings Barton reaches 650 occupied homes. It is currently around 420.

The issue is highly controversial because most residents in the new estate are opposed to the diversion, agreed in 2011, and a petition with 3,000 names was gathered over the summer.

READ MORE HERE: 'An act of insanity' to keep two main roads open at Kings Barton

The debate over responsibility came up at the Kings Barton Forum. The meeting heard that Conservative county councillor Edward Heron, Executive Lead Member for Transport and Environment Strategy, had written to the petitioners, the Kings Barton Residents Association (KBRA): "Hampshire County Council as Highway Authority was not the determining Planning Authority for this matter.  The decision to close Andover Road was agreed via a planning appeal heard by a planning inspector.  The County Council cannot lawfully unilaterally undo this planning decision and on this occasion have no power to direct the developer or the Local Planning Authority to keep Andover Road open to all traffic.

"In planning process terms, the changes requested by the residents’ association would need to be voluntarily agreed by the Cala homes and the local planning authority (Winchester City Council).  One way to implement any change would be via Cala Homes and the LPA reaching agreement on a variation to or a new planning application process.

"At present the County Council is open minded as to alternative access options, of which there are several potential including leaving Andover Road open to all traffic and will seek to support or agree any changes based on the technical evidence and case for change.  In light of new growth options north of Barton Farm and the identified need for a northern park and ride site for Winchester the County Council consider there is a good case for reviewing the Andover Road access arrangements.

SEE ALSO: City councillor calls for Andover Road to be kept open

"To that end the County Council will continue working closely with Cala Homes and the LPA to help facilitate the best outcomes for the existing and future residents of Winchester but it is not the lead authority in this planning matter."

The forum heard Liberal Democrat city councillors say Cllr Heron was being disingenuous. Forum chairman Steve Cramoysan said Cllr Heron was being "economical with the truth".

City council leader Martin Tod said: "The county council is being disengenous. They signed off in January 2011 a 'statement of common ground' on the road network with Cala before the planning decision was taken. Before the planning decision was taken they had backed the realignment of Andover Road."

He added that KBRA has talked about a 'Low Traffic Neighbourhood' which would entail closing the estate to through traffic, which would be controversial.

READ MORE: Residents enter debate over diversion of Andover Road through Kings Barton

Cllr Kelsie Learney, Lib Dem, said the whole road system in north Winchester needed to be considered especially in the light that Sir John Moore Barracks is now earmarked for 900 homes in the emerging Local Plan. "We all know the current situation is not satisfactory and we need to look for change but we need to ensure we don't benefit one of our communities and damage another one. The county council would have to be the lead authority but that would be supported by the city council."

Tory city councillor Stephen Godfrey criticised council leader Martin Tod for his recent comment that to keep both Winchester Avenue and Andover Road open would be an "act of insanity". Cllr Godfrey said: "Taking an attitude that making a change at this stage is 'insane' is insulting to a large number of residents of Kings Barton."

He said the Lib Dem-controlled city council should take the lead.

The forum heard that members of the Kings Barton Residents Association had met Cllr Heron and he had agreed to set up a meeting between the county, city, KBRA and developer Cala Homes.