A WINCHESTER church has received approval for closure and demolition from the Parochial Church Council (PCC).

For a number of years, it has been apparent that the church St Luke’s Church in Mildmay Street has been suffering from a number of major building defects

A report commissioned by the Diocese of Winchester in May this year, confirmed that addressing these repairs would incur substantial costs, and would be a significant on-going burden to the congregation for many years to come.

READ MORE: St Luke's church in Stanmore set to be demolished and replaced

After much discussion, the PCC has confirmed that they will seek closure and demolition of the church in order to build a new fit-for-purpose replacement. 

The acting Bishop of Winchester, Bishop Debbie Sellin, said: “As we seek to serve the parish of Stanmore in the decades to come, we want people to know that they can get to know Jesus in their new church building.  We look forward to the new church continuing to be the beacon of hope that St Luke’s has been, to continuing to bring the presence of Christ to one of the most diverse communities in Winchester.”

St Luke’s Church holds many significant memories for the people of Stanmore stretching back three generations to 1960-61.  The churchwardens would like to welcome all who have connections from the past with St Luke’s to come and share their memories with the current worshipping community. 

Curate, Marianne Foster, said: “The current St Luke’s building is a special place for many people. As we look ahead to the future and plan for a new St Luke’s, I am hopeful that it will be a loving and welcoming building where people will discover joy and connection."

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The Parochial Church Council will be working with the Diocese of Winchester and local stakeholders and the planning authorities of Winchester City Council to determine how the site can be developed and a new church built.

The building remains structurally safe to use in the immediate future, and a date of closure will be announced in due course.  The usual pattern of services will continue during the building project.

To view the schedule go to stlukeswinchester.co.uk/.

St Luke’s forms part of the parish of St Luke’s and St Mark’s serving the communities of Stanmore, Oliver’s Battery, Badger Farm and Winchester village.