A CAMPAIGN group has postponed a protest Party in the Park in Winchester.

The Friends of River Park was due to hold the event on the open space on Sunday September 18 from Noon-4pm.

Friends spokeswoman Rose Burns said it had reluctantly decided to delay the event as there was too little time to organise it properly.

The group is battling a decision by the city council to sell the redundant River Park Leisure Centre and part of the park and car park to Southampton University.

READ MORE HERE: Campaigners to take legal action over River Park

Ms Burns said: "It is also the final day of the Heritage Open Days, in which some of us are involved. It was supposed to act as a fundraising event and we had hoped that some of the groups that use the Rec, as well as Winchester residents generally, would come along in their thousands to picnic, play games, etc.

"Because of the volume and range of support we have been receiving, and because we’re awaiting a date for an oral hearing of our application for leave in the High Court, we’ve decided to postpone a large event until later in the year."