SIR - Isn't it interesting to note that, for 2008-09, Hampshire County Council is proposing to increase its share of council tax bills to £999 for the oft-quoted "average band D property".

Just short of the psychological £1,000 barrier. Or is it that their computer systems can't deal with numbers over £1,000 or more? You can bet it will next year!

But don't forget, to the £999 demanded by HCC must be added the additional sums that will be demanded by your district or borough council; by the Hampshire Police Authority; by the Hampshire Fire & Rescue Authority and if you have one, by your town or parish council.

Yes, your total bill for the coming year will result in a nasty stabbing pain in your wallet or purse.

And not a word about the money, our money, that has been spent by HCC promoting itself (£4.2 million in 2006-07); or the number of HCC employees being paid more than £50,000 (483 in 2006 - 07), or the vast sums that we taxpayers contribute to the gold-plated, inflation-proof, index-linked, final-salary pensions available to those employees and councillors (some of whom are collecting more than £40,000 a year in allowances) who choose to join the schemes.

Not even a mention of the £141,000 - the amount of council tax on more than 100 band D homes - spent on bottled water in a year.

Are they bathing in the stuff?

Mike Schofield, Rareridge Lane, Bishops Waltham.