SIR - Mr Lovegrove (March 13) is right to attribute some of the increased aircraft movements at Lower Upham to recent restrictions on flying at Lee on Solent Airfield.

These restrictions have been imposed by the Hampshire Constabulary which operates the airfield on behalf of the Hampshire Police Authority.

The Constabulary appears to want to keep the airfield for the sole use of its Defender surveillance aircraft and the Coastguard Search and Rescue helicopters.

The volume of commercial traffic at Southampton Airport means that there is a requirement for an alternative airfield to meet the needs of general aviation in South Hampshire. Lee has made and can continue to make an excellent choice and the Lee Residents Association supports its continued use for this purpose.

If the Constabulary has its way and evicts all other forms of aviation from Lee, it will be the only Police Force in the country to operate a private closed airfield. What is needed is a more statesmanlike approach which yields a solution that meets the needs of the aviation community in South Hampshire in a sensible way and makes better use of this historic and strategic aviation infrastructure.

In the meantime, it looks as if residents of Lower Upham - perhaps to their surprise - should lobby the Chief Constable!

Alastair Macdonald, Oakbank Road, Eastleigh.