WORK underway in Winchester to reduce its carbon footprint is to feature on the national stage.

A campaign to make the city greener was launched in October, the same month as it was named as having the Britain's largest carbon footprint per person.

Winchester Action on Climate Change has held several talks, and aims to provide residents with tips on being more environmentally friendly.

Local authorities, businesses, colleges, green groups, and the city's university and cathedral are backing the group.

Its work is now set to feature at the National Association of Local Councils' annual conference. The event takes place in May at Eastbourne.

The group's convenor, Robert Hutchison, will give a presentation to 500 delegates on making Winchester greener.

Steven Lugg, director of the Hampshire Association of Local Councils, who is also based in the city, will address the conference as well.

Terena Plowright from Petersfield, who leads the Greening Campaign, which aims to tackle climate change, is also giving a presentation.

In the meantime, Winchester Action on Climate Change is holding a public meeting on easy eco-auditing'.

The talk, which will be given by environmental writer, Donnachadh McCarthy, is designed to make it easier for people to calculate their carbon footprint.

It is taking place at the United Church in Jewry Street, Winchester, at 7.30pm, on Wednesday, March 26.

Next month (April), the climate change group is planning to open an office at the University of Winchester.

Mr Hutchison added: "This is an exciting time in our development. Our work is attracting a great deal of interest and our mailing list and the number of our supporters are expanding every week."

Visit for more details about the group.