A WINCHESTER teenager smashed her way to become the under 18 female world bog snorkelling champion of 2022.

Amélie Haigh, 15, completed the course in 2 minutes 53 seconds.

The Rude Health World Bog Snorkelling Championships occurs every August Bank Holiday weekend in the small village of Llanwrtyd Wells, mid Wales. 

The event, which is in its 34th year, saw men and women across the world compete in murky bogs dressed in fancy dress costumes.

Over 160 competitors took part, having to flipper their way through the 55-metre bog in the shortest time. 

Prizes were also given for best costume. There were competitors attending from as far as Canada, China and Demark.

Amélie was delighted to become the under 18s champion and was presented her award by Wales weatherman Derek Brockway. 

She said: “I was really annoyed as I lost my flipper during the swim, but I was determined to get to the end.  I have been practising at the leisure centre, but nothing can quite prepare you for the murky bog."

The atmosphere, sense of fun and camaraderie at the event is apparently second to none, so much so The Lonely Planet describes it as one of the top 50 "must do" things from around the world. 

With food, live music and a bar, it was a great day out even if you don't take the plunge.

The current adult champion is Neil Rutter who achieved a time of 1 minute and 18.82 seconds in 2018.

Amélie plans to return next year to try and retain her title.