THREE men have been arrested for drink driving after a 78-year-old suffered chest injuries during a hit and run. 

Police were called to an incident in Waltham Chase at around 11pm on Monday evening.

It had been reported that three males in a vehicle had collided with a 78-year-old driver before making off from the scene.

The 78-year-old sustained chest injuries from the collision.

An off-duty Police Inspector detained and arrested two of the males at the scene.

Police resources were dispatched and Police Dog Watson searched the nearby wooded area. A thermal imaging camera was also used.

The third suspect was located nearby and arrested.

Three males, two aged 27 and one 24, remain in police custody and have been arrested on suspicion of failing to stop after a road traffic collision and driving a motor vehicle while over the prescribed limit for alcohol.

Officers have thanked residents who offered their help.