Research from Born Free has revealed Hampshire is home to more than 280 dangerous and wild animals.

The charity's most recent survey from 2020 shows there are 3,951 dangerous wild animals licensed to be kept privately in Great Britain, with potentially many more being kept without a licence.

In that total, there are 210 private addresses across 129 local authorities with licenses to keep dangerous wild animals such as lions, tigers, crocodilians, and venomous reptiles.

Under current rules, there are no restrictions for keeping most wild animal species as pets in the UK.

If they are considered potentially dangerous, a Dangerous Wild Animal licence is required from the relevant Local Authority.

Born Free says there are numerous species, many would consider dangerous, not listed under the 1976 act including Komodo dragons and large constrictor snakes.

The foundation has created an interactive map, making it easier to see where these wild and potentially dangerous animals are kept.

The website can be used to search for the animals kept across the UK and is broken down by counties and local authorities.

Wild animals being kept in Hampshire

%image('13957639', type="article-full", alt="Lynx are being kept in Winchester City Council and East Hampshire District Council areas. Picture: PA")

New Forest District Council
Boar: 200

Winchester City Council
Gila Monster: 1
Lynx: 2
West Africa Dwarf Crocodile: 1

Portsmouth City Council
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake: 2
Monocled Cobra: 2
White Lipped Viper: 1
Sand Viper: 1

Havant borough Council
Chinese Alligator: 37
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake: 23
Ring Tailed Lemur: 2
Beaded Lizard: 2

East Hampshire District Council
Capuchin Monkey: 1
Lynx: 2

Hart District Council
Serval: 2

Rushmoor Borough Council
Prezwalski Horse: 6

Born Free has called on the UK government to undertake a comprehensive review of exotic pet ownership which includes the existing dangerous wild animal legislation.

There are multiple ways you can get involved in the campaign, including by writing to your MP and donating directly to the charity.

Find out more via the Born Free website.