WINCHESTER Cathedral’s “Rave in the Nave” caused quite a stir.

Between 8-900 youngsters danced to three Christian rock bands in a four-hour rave on April 24, 1993. No alcohol, apparently.

Hampshire Chronicle: Rave in the Nave at Winchester Cathedral. April 24, 1993..

The youngsters bopped away to the music of rock band Cross Reference and signed up for workshops on pastimes including first aid, the Girls Friendly Society, farming and scouting.

Hampshire Chronicle: Rave in the Nave at Winchester Cathedral. April 24, 1993..

Unfortunately the local press couldn’t report on the event much more at the time as press access was limited due to an article in the Daily Mail which accused Anglicans of “pandering to debased taste” and “the spectacle of youth gyrating wantonly to brutal cacophony.”

Hampshire Chronicle: Rave in the Nave at Winchester Cathedral. April 24, 1993..

In response, the late Canon Keith Walker, chairman of the organising committee, insisted to reporters: “You can not report on any of this. Even if you have a ticket, you are not allowed in as a journalist.”

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