WINCHESTER City Council elections are on 5 May 2022. Too often, local politicians say that no-one ever asks them about climate change. We need every political party to put action on the climate at the top of their agenda. Let's make it clear that the climate crisis must be the priority for all our elected representatives, local as well as national.

When people knock on our door to ask for our vote, remind them that the climate emergency is far too important to be a party-political football. Then ask them some of these questions, on the doorstep or on-line.

1. The climate emergency is much more important than party politics. Are you prepared to work together with the other parties on this, regardless of who wins the election?

2. What will you do to reduce traffic blight, particularly in the city (cars are bad for trade, our lungs, and the climate)? How will you improve rural bus services?

3. How will your Council help businesses to create green jobs and green their businesses?

4. What will you do to encourage homeowners to make their homes more energy-efficient?

5. What nature-based improvements will the Council support to help address the climate emergency?

6. How is your council going to persuade national government to put its money where its mouth is – for instance to shift spending from roads to public transport, to transfer subsidies from fossil fuels to renewables?

Danny Lee, Trustee,

Winchester Action on Climate Change,

Main Campus,

University of Winchester,

Sparkford Road,



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