A Southampton charity has issued an appeal for volunteers to 'Run for Refugees', ahead of the ABP Southampton Marathon. 

Southampton Action is a charity that supports refugees and asylum seekers living in the city, as well as further afield across Europe.

They collect donations such as clothes, toileteries and other essentials as well as providing practical assistance to refugees living in the city. 

Southampton Action recently spoke out about the growing Ukrainian refugee crisis

Now the charity is looking for volunteers to help them raise funds at this year's ABP Southampton Marathon, as well as regular volunteers who can help out on weekends.

Nikki Walters, 36, is the Chair of Southampton Action. 

She said: “We’ve been given ten spaces that cover all distances.

"We need two or three people for each race. We’ve had a few people come forward but still have spaces.

"Ten runners are needed but we can expand the spaces if they are filled.

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“We hope to get spaces filled by March 21 if possible, so we can communicate with the runners and provide them with support for fundraising."

The charity also needs volunteers.

Nikki added: “We actually have two volunteer appeals ongoing at the moment.

"Firstly, we have a general appeal for people to pack clothes and goods for refugees and asylum seekers in Southampton.

"Some have arrived new in the country, with very little possessions. A lot of them are from Calais. We need volunteers for the weekends.

“Our second appeal for volunteers is focused on the ABP Southampton Marathon.

"If a charity can send 20-25 people to help direct runners and marshall the public, then the marathon organisers will give a £250 donation to any participating charity.

"So it would be great to get enough volunteers to help out so that we can receive a donation.”

The ABP Southampton Marathon will be held on April 24. Race times vary but Nikki said volunteers for crowd marshalling would be required between 9.30 am and 12 pm.

For more information about volunteering for Southampton Action, please email information@southamptonaction.org