CHARITIES in Southampton have been calling on the Government to do more to help Ukranian refugees.

It's currently estimated that almost 900,000 Ukrainians have already fled their country due to the Russian invasion.

Southampton and Winchester Visitors Group and Southampton Action are both now calling on the Government to open more safe routes for Ukrainian refugees.

They have also been joining in with the effort in the city to collect donations for the people of Ukraine.

Retired engineer William Brook-Hart, 63, is part of Southampton and Winchester Visitors Group.

He said: “The suffering the Ukrainian people are going through at the hands of Putin and his cohorts, shocked us.

"We feel empathy seeing cities that look like ours bombarded.

“We’re a local charity that’s been active for over 20 years and we’ve seen widespread support, emphasised with the present situation.

"The reason people become refugees is that they have no choice.

"Although there is widespread support, the Government needs to do more.

"Their support at the moment is like a drop in the ocean. I have relatives in Germany that are looking for spare rooms and flats for Ukrainian refugees.

"They’re opening their doors and their hearts. We see promises that the Government is making to Ukrainians but its yet to be seen what they’re doing for other refugees."

Nikki Walters, Chair of Southampton Action, said: “These are incredibly distressing pictures that we’re seeing, watching people fleeing horrific fighting. This hits home for a lot of people with this war happening in Europe.

"I’m aware of there being local collections in Southampton and luckily, we’ve had a lot of items suitable for refugees in stock anyway, such as nappies and toiletries.

"We want to direct people to the most appropriate place.

"The most direct way to help is to direct money to larger refugee charities. Some communities such as the Polish community are donating directly to Ukraine.

“We’re raising awareness that there is a lack of safe routes for Ukrainian and other refugees.

"We’re raising the issue with MPs and signing petitions to make the Government aware that people want refugees to be safe and settled. There is an added level of bureaucracy that refugees don’t need.

“The council has been doing a lot to help refugees. I feel lucky to live in a city that is so supportive of refugees. We’re always surprised by how many people step out to help."