A FORMER Winchester City Council election candidate will raise concerns about the two shops which are due to be evicted from King’s Walk.

Andy Lai, Winchester resident and member of the Chinese business community, is expected to ask the city council for more support at their full council meeting tonight.

The two shops, which are due to go in February, are the Sunflowers Emporium and Sukee Market.

Mr Lai said: “I am concerned that we are seeing two businesses being evicted from Kings Walk, and barely a week goes by when we don’t read of a business having to close their doors due to their council landlord not being prepared to come to sensible accommodations on rent and other charges.

“I have asked if the civic chiefs in Winchester will now commit to supporting the local business community undertaking not to evict the tenants of Kings Walk until suitable alternative premises have been found, reducing the rents on Winchester City Council owned commercial units in the Winchester area by 20 per cent and reverse the hugely damaging parking charge increases which serve only to make it more difficult for local people to visit the city, and hit the poorest people and single parents the hardest.

“I hope the administration will commits to these steps I believe they can begin to undo some of the damage they have inflicted on our local economy over the last two years.”

Winchester City Council was expected to respond at the the full council meeting this evening.