SIR: Thank you for publishing the article about UNISON’s demonstration to protest about the Hampshire Local Government Pension Scheme’s (LGPS) continued investment in fossil fuels and the 20,000 disenfranchised members that do not have a voice (Chronicle, December 16).

The spokesperson you quoted stated 1.9 per cent of the fund is invested in Fossil Fuels which equates to £136 million. How many members of the scheme actually know their pension is still investing in risky climate destructive activities?

I was disappointed they made no commitment to divest entirely because many of the 360 employers (councils, universities, colleges, schools, police, fire services and many more) that the fund represents have declared a Climate Emergency and committed to Net Zero targets.

We know that to reduce emissions to stay within the 1.5oC rise we cannot burn anything like the oil, coal and gas reserves we already know of but banks and investment companies still facilitate exploration and extraction via our savings and pension funds. We as consumers have the choice to switch to ethical banks and the LGPS board has the power to request investment managers to divest our money.

I recognise the LGPS board has a requirement to safeguard the fund for all its members but it must view fossil fuels as risky investments. They will become worthless stranded assets. Other institutions have committed to divesting pension schemes including The Environment Agency and they manage to maintain the fund with sustainable investment.

So let’s do it … except it isn’t that easy to tell the Hampshire LPGS board. They have reduced the number of meetings open to members in a calendar year and restricted representations to the board to those that only live in Hampshire thus disenfranchising 20,000 current and retired members that live outside the county.

I call upon the Hampshire LGPS to give equal access to ALL members and to hold a referendum with members about divestment.

If you want to join the campaign please email

Giles Gooding,

UNISON and Hampshire LGPS member,

Fordington Avenue,

