SIR: The city council Cabinet on November 22 gave us another Central Winchester Regeneration (CWR) 'dog and pony' show, virtually the same presentation and graphics as the previous meeting. It was a painstaking exposition of process, but, as before, woefully short on progress. There were many references to the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), but nothing about how far the Cabinet was deviating from the SPD policies.

In an earlier meeting, we were assured that the very defunct Friarsgate Medical Centre would be demolished in the summer. Instead we have a few benches and empty planters behind the old Centre, plus the gate to Buscot Lane has been opened - a new pathway but no reason as yet to use it. And, somewhat alarmingly, the idea is to demolish the structure, but leave the 'footprint', which will make it difficult to reopen and restore the Lower Brook. Kings Walk aspirations were voiced again as meanwhile uses (at what cost?) until Kings Walk is demolished as part of the development.

Much was made of the procurement process to find a developer. Reading between the lines, the consultants JLL will do most of the selection. When will anything finite appear, so that we, the ratepayers, can comment on what will maybe be done some day?

Mention was made of the quite good idea proposed by the University of Southampton to further develop the Art School, using the former police station site, and extending on into River Park - part of Winchester's vital 'green lung'. The proposal includes development of more performance space - perhaps competing with the proposed Kings Walk performance space, and together giving us more space than performers? This development will need a strong link with the CWR to create a great path through both areas. So Cabinet, please try much harder to actually get something done on the ground.

Terry Gould,

Fairfield Road,

