SIR: I totally agree with Ian Tait regarding the decline in the amount of rubbish dropped and littering the city and I find it embarrassing to imagine what visitors must think when visiting Winchester. We seem to have lost pride in our city which is quite sad.

As a resident living opposite to Coitbury House I was appalled to see the amount of rubbish bags deposited outside the building.

I reported it to the council at beginning of September and the bags had still not been removed by September 10 when I went on a two-week break so was relieved to see them gone on my return but by the time I'd finished my shopping on Saturday on my return home another rubbish bag had appeared.

Surely it's not rocket science to provide the residents of Coitbury House with a communal rubbish bin.

Another eye sore is around the area of Kings Walk again more overflowing litter bins and I know the excuse is going to be e the pandemic but sorry the decline started way before that.

Monica Gill,

Lawn Street,
