SIR: Some 15 or so years ago the flower seller in St Maurice’s Covert, Bertie (aka Chris Hills) used to regularly harangue me over the state of the Covert and more so over the lack of signage pointing out the route to the Cathedral and public lavatories.

Bertie said that in the summer months he could be asked 10 or more times a day where the Cathedral was. As a result of these jovial but robust conversations I started to question the Council officers about what could be done.

Fiona Mather then joined me in our campaign and for a while good progress was made. Initially the area was cleaned up and the walls painted, the broken lights were mended and a sub-committee was established to investigate further improvements. Fiona and I argued forcibly for a meaningful budget to allow the work to be done and we were given this assurance.

The excellent Scott Witby Studio were commissioned to come up with a scheme and everything was looking good. There was extensive public consultation and buy in from both the City and County Council.

Now when I walk past St Maurice’s Covert I am completely disillusioned over how badly this project has gone. No signage whatsoever pointing out the Cathedral or the lavatories so Dave, the much-liked current flower seller is asked as often as Bertie was the very same questions so what has been achieved? Quite a lot of money spent for virtually no real public benefit.

This is an extreme example of an opportunity lost!

Ian Tait,

St James Lane,
