SIR: I am the head coach of a local swimming club at Eastleigh.

The majority of our swimmers are residents within the Winchester district.

We were really excited about the prospect of a new 50m swimming pool being located within our members residential area, and for the option for our National and Regional level swimmers to have the option to have some much needed 50m pool training to progress in their sport.

However, although our club did apply for a pool session at the new pool for a once weekly session two years ago before the building was even being started to be constructed and have maintained our many inquiries about the prospect of this option over the past two years.

Recently we have now been informed we as a club have not been allocated even one session at the new pool which is contrary to the council’s own statement of the pool being available firstly to residents within the Winchester district.

The only swimming club allocated any training sessions is Winchester City Penguins who have complete monopoly of the pools training time for swimming clubs.

I feel our own clubs swimming have been treated unfairly and disproportionately for a swimming club with these members of the Winchester district to be refused access to the multi million pound leisure facilities built on our members doorstep.

One can only assume this facility was built for one swimming club within the district and no other.

Paul Dollery,

Church Road,

Locks Heath,
