SIR: I am grateful to the residents of Sleepers Delle Gardens for raising the issue of student parking in roads close to the University (Chronicle, April 8). I live in Battery Hill where there are a large number of HMO's rented to students by the university and private landlords.

A large number of the students have private cars which occupy many of the spaces formerly available to private residents. Many of these cars are only used to go to the corner shops (to buy crisps and beer) which are within easy walking distance. Many of us locals who have lived here for decades find ourselves unable to find a parking space close-ish to home. Days out and shopping expeditions are spoiled by the anticipation that we might not be able to find a space where we can unload or ensure that our vehicle will not be subject to criminal activity. And! we have to pay for the privilege.

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Why do students living close to their college, in a small city, where there is frequent public transport and most amenities are within easy walking distance, need to bring cars with them? There are moreover, good public transport connections, including night buses, to Southampton.

When I have contacted the University regarding this issue they claim that they discourage students from bringing cars by telling them that there is permit parking in the area. This is not going to discourage them when "Mummy and Daddy" will pay for the permit or it's just another debt to add to the loan.

The University usually try to place most of the blame on the many private landlords, who it is true, do nothing to discourage students from bringing vehicles or even providing off-street space (in many cases). The letting agents do not seem to care at all, at least one house near me is being advertised as having unrestricted on-street parking.

I do not see why the University cannot ban students from bringing cars to Winchester. There are examples of other institutions: such as Exeter and Cambridge who already do so.

There is some kind of irony or paradox in the university's statements about sustainability and their adoption of Greta Thunberg as a role model for students who add to their carbon footprint, by starting and stopping cars, to drive less than half a mile for a few items of shopping.

Chris Bullen,

Battery Hill,

