SIR: With reference to Judith Martin’s letter (Chronicle, April 1) I think the current Zeitgeist of Rescue, Refresh, Up cycle is entirely appropriate. She quotes the Pritzker Prize winning architects’ mantra of ‘never demolish’.

I’m sure there are many architects with vision who can see the potential and architectural merit of the old Friarsgate practice.

Once a building is demolished any new build typically dominates the site: the river passing underneath the glass walkway, the large handsome trees, now vandalised, will be conveniently subjugated to a monolithic edifice.

Friarsgate would make the most amazing town apartments in a green context from which everyone could benefit - if only visually. Yes, it would probably be cheaper to knock it down and start again but sadly I doubt a new development would result in a Pritzker Prize.

Catherine Ferrier,

Stratton Road,

St Giles’ Hill
