A ROMSEY surgery has revealed its has vaccinated more than 1,000 of its most vulnerable patients this week.

Abbeywell Surgery, The Abbey, administered second doses of the game-changing coronavirus jab to people who were vaccinated on December 22 and 23, according to a Facebook post.

The post reads: "For all the clinical staff, managers and volunteers, it has been a privilege to be part of our local vaccination programme.

"We are very proud of what we have achieved in the last 11 weeks, and it feels fantastic to have fully vaccinated over 1,000 of our most vulnerable patients this week."

The surgery added it is expecting more vaccines to be delivered over the next two weeks in a bid to help those who haven't had their first dose yet.

The post reads: "We will continue to contact all of those who have underlying health conditions (Group 6), and will also contact anyone in Group 5 (aged 65+) who have not yet been vaccinated.

"Once these have all been offered the vaccine, we will contact patients in order of the priority age groups as set out by the Government."

Anyone who is aged 55 or above, in receipt of carer's allowance, a frontline health or social care worker can still book an appointment through the national booking system by calling 119.

Alternatively, you can book online by visiting http://bit.ly/3cqpB06.