SIR: It is good to see the greatly improved paving laid in St Maurice’s Covert. What a pity that Winchester City Council has not provided the table crossing planned to allow people to cross Market Lane into the Cathedral precinct at grade and at the same time signal to drivers that this is a pedestrian priority area.

The choice of street furniture also lets down the improvement scheme. The two benches seem to have come out of the same stable as the tank defying obstacles inflicted on our High Street, with slatted wood over huge lumps of concrete. Between these slats debris will collect and be impossible to remove. The provision of a drinking fountain is welcome but there must surely be more elegant models on the market in stainless steel.

The well-reputed firm of architects, Scott Whitby were employed as consultants for this upgrade. This choice of furniture is surely not theirs?

Kate Macintosh MBE RIBA,

West End Terrace,
