SIR: The coronavirus crisis has led to a huge surge in calls to domestic abuse services and a reported increase in domestic abuse killings. Refuges are doing all they can, but the sector is has long been underfunded, and not all victims have equal access to support.

Many people who live and work here but weren't born here don't have access to public funds. This means they can be turned away from refuge beds. To make matters worse some police ask questions about victims' immigration status, rather than seeing people as a victims of domestic abuse first.

Parliament has the power to change the rules to make sure the safety of all domestic abuse victims is respected, no matter where they are from. It also has the opportunity to do this, in the form of the Domestic Abuse Bill, currently being debated.

I hope our MPs will do all they can to protect all victims of domestic abuse.

James Broadley,

Longwood Road,
