TO CELEBRATE one of Wessex’s greatest kings, Winchester heritage group Hyde900 put on a weekend in his honour.

King Alfred Weekend saw dozens of unique events, including the launch of a set of photographs from the Winchester Museum Services’ community digs between 1995 and 1999.

They also included photos of the construction of the garden at Hyde Abbey, the final burial place of Alfred the Great.

David Spurling, a trustee of Hyde900, said: “This archive, covering an important period in the long history of Hyde Abbey, is of national importance.

"We were delighted to be in receipt of a grant from Hampshire Archives Trust for the digitisation of this archive and for a set of banners to publicise the availability of the archive on the Hyde900 website."

Other events included a lecture by Winchester University's Dr Katherine Weikert, an audio-visual performance, a presentation of finds from more recent Hyde 900 digs, and guided walks.

The weekend festival is expected to return again next year.