THREE Basingstoke and Deane councillors have had to be reminded to pay their council taxes in the last three years - and one was even summoned to court four times.

Figures unearthed by Newsquest’s Data Investigations Unit show that more than 2,400 demands for payment were sent to elected councillors and summons issued to at least 324.

The statistics show that in Basingstoke, a total of 12 reminders were sent to councillors, including eight to Winklebury ward member Cllr Angela Freeman.

She was also given four court summonses, two in 2016-17 and two in 2017-18.

Cabinet memebe Cllr Hayley Eachus was also given one reminder in 2015-16 and three were given to Cllr Mark Taylor.

The Brighton Hill North councillor had one reminder sent in 2016-17 and two in 2017-18.The total in payments reminded for was in excess of £800.

While there may be compelling personal reasons for not paying their bills on time, councillors have been urged by the Minister for Local Government, Luke Hall, to ensure they act to inspire trust and do their bit to pay for local services.

The MP said: “Locally elected representatives should seek to inspire confidence and have the trust of the people who elect them.

“All residents, including councillors, should pay their council tax to help fund our precious local services and every local authority is required to adopt a code of conduct.”

Cllr Eachus told the Gazette that her council tax is up to date, and that she always pays by Direct Debit.

“If a reminder was sent it is highly likely to have been in the change over when I moved house,” she said.

The Gazette has contacted both Cllr Freeman and Cllr Taylor twice for a comment, but received no response.