A HOUSING association has apologised to the residents of a Basingstoke block of flats after a father told the Gazette he feared for his family's safety.

The man, who lives in St Kilda House in Lindisfarne Close, Popley, described being threatened by squatters who have moved into an empty flat above his family home.

Speaking to this newspaper on the condition of anonymity, the father said: "People come and go all night and there is shouting and screaming and people banging on walls.

"My girls' bedroom is right above the door."

His family was subjected to a terrifying ordeal around a month ago when people in the flat tried to break into his home with a saw.

"I went outside and they were shouting that they were going to kill me," he said.

Now the head of neighbourhoods at Vivid has apologised.

In a statement to the Gazette, Derek Streek said: "We’re sorry that some of our customers at St Kilda House have endured anti-social behaviour from one of our properties.

"The previous tenant of one the properties gave up his tenancy earlier this month but left an occupant in situ and we are taking appropriate legal action to gain possession of the property.

"Unfortunately, this process can take some time.

"Once we have possession of the property we can secure it to prevent any further intrusion. We are in regular contact with residents to offer support and advice."