SARUM Road reservoir in Winchester, home to three telecom operators, may be getting a fourth tenant in the near future.

Mobile phone giant, Vodafone, is hoping to install antennae and satellite dishes in a mast share deal with O2, which already occupies a 20-metre mast on the site.

The Southern Water reservoir has been the subject of much protest in the past as the surrounding area is mainly residential with Sarum Road Hospital and Kings' School Boarding House close by.

After Orange erected the first mast in 1999, Winchester City Council refused permission for a second but the applicant, BT Cellnet, (now O2) was given the go-ahead by a government planning inspector on appeal. Subsequently Hutchison 3G successfully applied for a 15-metre mast, which was replaced by a taller mast a year ago.

Residents have until the Monday, November 5, to send their comments on the latest application to WCC Planning Department, Colebrook St, Winchester, SO23 9LJ ref: 07/02361/FUL.

The application will be decided at a public meeting on the site by the Telecom Sub-Committee at 9.30am on Thursday, November 8.