WINCHESTER MP Steve Brine had more free time during the prorogation of Parliament.

He has visited Hursley Park Cricket Club to hear more about its proposals for a new pavilion.

Mr Brine was invited by chairman David Worthy, who explained that the main pavilion was originally an army hut, put up in 1965, and whilst still functional, it limps along with the help of numerous volunteers who patch it up and keep it going.

Mr Worthy explained that the club has started the process to build a new pavilion, meeting potential architects, builders and the Hampshire Cricket Board, and was keen to brief the club’s MP and gain his support.

Mr Brine: “Hursley Park is clearly a fantastic vibrant club and what a stunning setting they have. I love the ambition the committee are showing for a new clubhouse and very much valued the chance to chat with some of the team about their ideas and how I might be able to help.”

Mr Worthy said: ‘We are delighted to receive Steve’s support for what will be a long journey in realising a new pavilion. With four men’s league teams, two ladies sides competing at national level, nine colts teams including three girls sides and numerous other activities around the club such as All Stars for the youngsters looking to access cricket, we are desperately in need of a new facility which will help cement the club’s future.

"The funding background for these type of community projects is complicated and if there are businesses out there who as part of their activities are willing and able to fund community projects such as this, we would be very pleased to hear from you.